5 Fun Things to Do in the Summer 0 362



Summer is the perfect time to have fun with friends and family! Take a break off of work or school and do something that you find enjoyable. Make the most out of the summer and do something everyday that you haven’t done before. Here are some ideas to add to your summer bucket list:


1. Visit the beach.

There are so many fun things you can do at the beach, especially in the summer. You can go for a swim , tan, surf, build sandcastles, play beach volleyball, collect seashells, or a walk along the ocean waves. The beach is the ideal place to be in the summer!

2. Go hiking.

Explore your city. If your city has a hiking trail, what’s stopping you from exploring it? Surround yourself with nature and breathe in the clean air! Wear light clothing and bring a water bottle to keep you hydrated! Enjoy the trees and walk further and further away from your worries in the city. Surrounding yourself with nature is a great way to relieve stress.


3. Have a water balloon fight!

This is perfect for those long, hot summer days. Invite some of your friends and family over and have a water balloon fight in your yard! You can even use water guns! This will not only cool you down, but this is also a great family activity.


4. Plan a road trip.

Pack your clothes and other necessities. Get in your car and drive somewhere you haven’t been before.  Explore/visit other cities or states with your friends or family! While your on the road trip, try new food, snap pictures, and live in the moment.


5. Have a picnic.

Gather fruits, bread, chips, lemonade, your favorite food and pack them in a basket with a big blanket. Invite your family or your friends and find a nice area on the grass under a tree or on the beach.  Enjoy each other’s company. Tell funny stories and memories! Play some music and dance around or play some games.


Summer is the time to have fun and enjoy the moments with your friends and family. Go outside everyday and soak up the sun! Before you know it, leaves will fall on the ground and school bells ringing . So go outside and live your life to the fullest.

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