If there could be one benevolent creature that I know of, it would be the kapre. I was first made …

If there could be one benevolent creature that I know of, it would be the kapre. I was first made …
I grew up in a village teeming with folklore. Quiet nights, an overabundance of tall, wild grass, and gigantic trees …
Most people in the Philippines, despite the fact that they took Philippine history classes since their grade school days would …
Imagine a centaur. Now flip the image around: the human torso becoming a horse’s brown coat, the skull stretching out …
In discussing the heroism of Melchora Aquino, we have to reflect on what acts a person must do for their …
If you grew up in the 80s, you are probably familiar with turumpo. Trumpo or turumpo is a game that …
It’s easy to blame the supernatural. When I misplace my phone or keys – which is more often than I’d …
I still remember the first time I heard of the tiktik. It was 2008, and I was huddled with the …
Juan Luna is considered a hero because his talent proved that the indio was not as savage or ignorant as …
What makes for a marker of identity? A marker of identity is a symbol, an object, or a set of …
I don’t think anyone would be surprised if you reported you saw a white lady. It’s one of those unspoken …
Upon hearing the word tiyanak, the same image is conjured in my head: I am lost in the forest, fumbling …