The Art of outdoor fun has dwindled throughout the years. Some factors have played a role in what the World has become today. For instance, the New Age of technology has come and it has affected the lives of people tremendously and its getting harder and harder to get children to play out on the streets. With the world changing, population increasing, immigrants increasing, work and traffic in the way, getting to know your neighbors has become a chore and therefore letting your kids go to the neighbors house raises doubts. After unfortunate events has been occurring, shootings, kidnappings, trust in humanity has lessened. The streets are no longer as safe as they were back then. And our panlaro games, well it seems it has no room in our Modern World. I, as a parent want to fight the prejudice because am saddened by the idea that the games I grew up with, where rich or poor family can come together which cost no more than a chalk, excitement, laughs, and good times, will diminish. Therefor I am here to re-introduce how to play PATINTERO!
Patintero Basic Rules:
At least 5 players
Find a safe spot with your parents to draw 2 by 3, 6 meter boxes with chalk
Two teams
The blockers vs. the passers
Best out of 6 quarters
7th game incase there’s a tie
7 minute time restriction when the 7 minutes up teams will switch places
For every person that makes it back and forth on the Passers team gets 1 point
Object of the game:
The passers goal is to get back and forth through all the lines without being tagged. Start by flipping a coin. Winning the toss coin entitles the team’s players to run first. The blockers are situated on 1, 2, 3 and 4 rows and can only tag while staying on the horizontal lines. The middle Player blocker number 5 can only run vertical to tag the opposing team. The object of the game is to for the passers to run pass rows 1, 2 , 3, and 4 without being tagged and running back from rows 4, 3 ,2, 1 to earn their team a point. The blockers can’t tag them the players once they’ve passed them. You can’t tag from behind. You can only tag them again when they’re on their way back.
You have to stay in your lane and both feet have to be on the line for the tag to be valid.
Once any Passers gets tagged that marks the end of a quarter, the opponents will then switch places and have their turn to score points.
Losers crawl under the leg of the Victorious!